
〈forrest gump〉这部电影,从拍摄的角度上说。虽然也运用了特技,但是并没有很激烈的场面。而当今的许多电影会运用许多特技使画面看起来很刺激,而且还出现了3D电影。而这部电影视觉上看起来很平淡,但是内容很使人感动。也比较好理解。我认为,欣赏此类电影有助于提高中学生的价值观和同情心。

Seeing the movie "forrest jump" from the shooting aspect,although it used some special effects,there's no fierce scenes.Movies nowadays are always using many special effects,even 3D movies come into people's view,but this movie is plain in visual sense,what make people moved is its content,and easy to understand.In my point of view,watching this kind of movie can improve middle school studengs' sense of worth and sympathy.追问


第1个回答  2011-11-01
The film, made from the angle. even though the use of special effects, but not very keen on the scene. and today many movies have many abilities to make the picture looks exciting, and appeared in films. and 3d the film visually looks flat, but was touching. it is better to understand. i think, to enjoy this kind of movie improve the middle of the values and compassion.