
你叫李华,是一名高中生。你校积极响应教育部开展“阳光体育活动”的号召,组织学生在大课间进行长跑活动。但是,同学们对此持有不同的观点。 正方 反方 放松身体,增强体质缓解学习压力 跑步后,容易疲劳,影响上课出汗多,可能导致感冒 请根据以上表格的内容给某英语报纸的编辑写一封信,介绍同学们的不同观点,并谈谈你对课间长跑的看法。注意:词数为100词左右。Dear Editor,__________________________________________________ Yours,Li Hua

Dear Editor,  
To respond to Sunshine Sports Activities launched by the Ministry of Education, our school has organized long-distance running during the long break. However, we students have different opinions about it.
Many of the students are in favor of this program. They think running is a good way to build them up. Besides, it can help them to relax and relieve the pressures of study.
However, other students think differently. They claim that they feel very tired after running, so they have difficulty concentrating on their lessons. What’s more, they sweat so heavily after running that it is easy to catch a cold.
I think it’s beneficial for students to take regular physical exercise because they spend most of their time sitting in the classroom. Long-distance running is an effective way to keep fit. However, other ways of exercising should be provided for students, too.
Li Hua
