
1 请各儿童监护人看管好自己的小孩。
2 场内不得追逐打闹,否则后果自负。
3 严禁在池内跳水、潜水、嬉戏打闹。
4 贵重物品请自行保管,否则后果自负。
5 物品只供存放,不作保管。
6 小心池壁,请勿碰撞。
7 地面湿滑,注意安全。
8 身高1米3以下的儿童不得到大游泳池游泳,初学者不得到深水区游泳。
9 请节约用水,随手关闭水阀。
10 请当面点清泳票,泳牌和现金,离场后概不负责。
11 男更衣室(游泳前请先淋浴)。
12 女更衣室(游泳前请先淋浴)。
13 租泳圈请到收费亭办手续。
14 雷雨天气,暂停开放。
15 地下室电房重地,危险!请勿靠近!
16 浅水区1.1米←→深水区1.6米
17 设备已坏,请注意安全,避免意外发生。
18 洗脚池
19 请穿着泳装游泳

1.Please watch over children's guardians of the children
2.Venue not running around, otherwise the consequences conceited
3.No diving in the pool, diving and play for each other.
4.Valuables custody for themselves, otherwise responsible for any consequences
5.Only items stored, not custody
6.Wall careful, do not collision
7.The ground is wet and slippery, safety
8.A three-meter tall a child not be large swimming pool, the beginners do not get deep water swim
9.Please save water and threw water valves closed
10.Please point-person votes Beach, Beach licensing and cash left is not responsible for
11.Male locker room (Please shower before swimming).
12.Women locker room (Please shower before swimming).
13.Swimming laps free rent booths formalities.
14.Thunderstorms closed
15.The basement room -- namely, the danger! Do not close!
16.Shallow-water ← → 1.1 meters by 1.6 meters deep water
17.Equipment has been bad, to safety and to avoid the occurrence of accidents.
18.Squandering pool
19.Please wear swimsuits swim
