
麻辣红肠 鸡肉肠 香芹火腿丝
火腿瓜丁 青瓜金针 蛋黄鸭卷
拌三丝 泡菜 玉米沙拉
爽口瓜条 拌海带 拌干豆丝
炝荷兰豆丝 麻辣豆干 炝白菜丝
西芹腐竹 榄菜豆角 酸辣厥根粉
腐乳 腐乳 腐乳
榨菜丝 酱瓜 咸菜丝
酱八宝菜 辣萝卜 毛豆雪里红
溜肉片 豉椒肉片 蒜黄肉丝
清炒油菜 炝炒圆白菜 清炒西兰花
面包切片 面包切片 面包切片
奶皇包 豆沙包 蒸饺
梅菜包 窝头 馒头
花卷 叉烧包 蒸地瓜
什锦炒饭 蛋炒饭 莲蓉包
炒面 炒饼 剁椒炒饭
卤水蛋 煮鸡蛋 茶叶蛋
紫米粥 小米粥 南瓜粥
西红柿蛋汤 疙瘩汤 紫米粥
小麻花 锅巴 威化饼
蛋糕 蛋糕卷 烤馒头片
沙琪玛 饼干 饼干
牛奶 牛奶 豆浆
花茶 绿茶 咖啡
果珍 果珍 酸梅汤

Spicy red bowel chicken bowel fragrant Qin ham silk
The ham melon D green melon gold needle egg yolk duck winding
Mix three silk pickles corn salads
The good to eat melon mixs sea tangle to mix a stem bean silk
Spicy dried tofu Qiang cabbage silk of the bean silk of Qiang Holland
The west Qin Fu bamboo Lan string bean Cape sour and hot Jue root powder
The Fu milk Fu milk Fu milk
Squeeze the vegetables silk sauce melon salty vegetables silk
Sauce eight treasure vegetableses hot turnip young soybean salted vegetable
Slip away the garlic yellow shredded meat of the fillet Shi Jiao fillet
The fresh fried rape Qiang fries a brocoli with fresh fried cabbage
Bread slice bread slice the bread cut into slices
The milk Huang wraps bean sandbag steamed dumpling
The plum vegetables bun stuffed nest head plain wheat roll
The steamed roll roast filet of pork pack steams sweet potato
The assorted fried rice fried rice with egg lotus Rong wrap
The fried noodles fries a round flat cake to chop Jiao fried rice
Lu water egg cooks an egg tea egg
Purple rice gruel millet congee pumpkin gruel
The soup purple rice gruel of the tomato egg soup pimple
Little fried dough twist pot Ba Wei turns a round flat cake
The cake cake winding roasts a plain wheat roll slice
The sand Qi Ma biscuit biscuit
Milk milk bean milk
Spend tea green tea coffee
Fruit Jean the fruit Jean's wildplum juice
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第1个回答  2008-05-04