

My name is Fei, a colleague of Ann's. I am sorry for belated reply yesterday. I am just wondering whether you have received the quotation from Ann already. As Ann is on leave now of short notice, I will be timely following up your requests. So if you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to let me know. As for this order, we will try our best to meet your time requirements. I hope this would be a good beginning for both of us.
第1个回答  2013-06-26
This is Fei, Ann's colleague. Please excuse me for yesterday's belated reply. Did you receive Ann's quote? Ann's on vacation recently, so I will follow up your case. Please feel free to contact me whenever you have any questions. We will try our best to match your timing on this order. We look forward to a good beginning of our cooperation.
第2个回答  2013-06-26
I am Ann's officemate, sorry for late reply yesterday. Did you received the quotation from Ann? I will follow up your case in time during the time when Ann's leaving, please contact me freely if you have any question. As for the order, we will full cooperate with you, hope to have a good begining.
第3个回答  2013-06-26
I'm Ann's collegue,Fei.sorry to be late to reply your email yesterday,did you receive the price of Ann's?thanks to have a vacation for the time being ,I will follow up your case in time .Please contact me in time If you have any confusions,we will try our best to make a agreement with your time about this order .I hope the beginning of this cooperation will be good.
第4个回答  2013-06-26
I am Phil, a colleague of Ann, sorry to reply late yesterday. Did you
receive an offer from Ann? Due to temporary leave of Ann, this time I will follow up your case. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. About the order, we
will fully cooperate with you, hope to have a good start.