
1 –May I ask a favor of you?
A. It’s my pleasure B. Sure, go ahead
C. With pleasure D. I’ve no time.
选B 其他的为什么不行

2 The two collectors have determined to buy the precious Egyptian vase, ____________.
A. however much it costs B. no matter how it costs
C. however much does it cost D. no matter how much does it cost
选A 其他的为什么不行

3 When I returned to my hometown, I was shocked to find all the apple trees ________.
A. had been cut down B. being cut down
C. are cut down D. have cut down
选A 为什么

4 As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate ______ from you now and then _______ me how everyone is getting
A. hearing; tell B. to hear; tell C. hearing; telling D. to hear; to tell
选C 为什么

5 –Was yesterday’s conference successful?
-Not really. The number of ______ was much smaller than we had expected.
A. people who attend B. people attended
C. people attending D. people attend
选C 为什么

6 –What made little Tony so unhappy and cry in his room?
-_________ to go hiking with his brother.
A. Having not been allowed B. Not having allowed
C. Having not allowed D. Not having been allowed
选D A呢?

7 –Why are you looking pleased?
-Oh, I just had a job ______ for next year.
A. being offered B. offering C. to offer D. offered
选D B呢?


2.how是疑问词“怎样”,how much才是表达“多少钱”符合句意
3.句子是过去时态,首先排除CD。B是be动词的不定式,表示正在进行的某种状态,与find表示的意思不符,因为find主要是发现某种结果的意思,不常与正在进行的状态搭配。所以应该用A,过去完成的被动语态。表示在某个过去时间点(即I was shocked这个过去时间点之前)之间已经完成的状态。
4.appreciate doing sth.是搭配。注意后面的now and then是短语,表示“时常”=“sometime”,不要看到then就当成连词单独成句。所以主句只有一个,telling之后的都是从句,解释hearing from you
7.这里是分辨不定式做定语时的语态,如果名词与修饰它的动词是主动的逻辑关系就可以用to do或者doing的动词不定式,如果是被动关系就用过去分词作定语。JOB只能是被提供,所以和OFFER是被动的逻辑关系,需要用OFFERED。
第1个回答  2010-01-04
1.A. It’s my pleasure C. With pleasure 是对方表示感谢时的回答
D. I’ve no time. 谁会这么直接?拒绝也要委婉啊
2.B. no matter how it costs 少了个much

C. however much does it cost D. no matter how much does it cost
4.appreciate 要跟动名词doing作宾语。telling me how everyone is getting along.现在分词短语作状语
5.现在分词attending作定语修饰people,因为是people 参加attend会议,主动关系,所有用现在分词。假如是被动关系,要用过去分词。A. people who attend定语从句正确,但时态不对people who attended
7.同5题。作定语工作是被offer 的,所以用过去分词