描述你喜欢的月份 喜欢这个月份的什么天气 平常你都在干什么 你为什么特别喜欢这个月份


喜欢冬天,喜欢冬天下雪的天气。8点上班, 每天的闹钟不能少于三个,最快速度的穿衣,很讨厌洗脸(即便是热水)喜欢刷牙(因为要吃东西),上班时一会忙忙碌碌,一会清清闲闲,中午了,开始了我最爱的胡萝卜面(只会这个),下午到银行(大部分),晚上喜欢一个人在外吃饭,并且时间要很久,回到家开始洗漱,有颗想学习的心,无奈意志不足,睡前总会读《愿有人陪你颠沛流离》遇到欣赏的句子喜欢大声读出来,喜欢听广播入睡,周末必须要回家(因为总想要回家看看)。没有特别喜欢这个季节,只是相对来说比较喜欢雪。。。。追问

亲 有没有英文的


Like winter, like the winter snow weather. Go to work at 8 every day, the alarm clock can not be less than three, the fastest speed of the dress, very hate wash (even hot water) love brushing (because to eat), to work for a while was idle, bustling about, at noon, began the carrot noodles I love (only this afternoon), the bank (most), one night love eating out, and the time necessary for a long time, went home to wash, want to learn a heart, but will always read "bedtime, someone is willing to accompany you to wander" met appreciate the sentences read out loud, love, love to listen to the radio to sleep, weekend must go home (because always want to go home to see). No special love this season, but relatively like snow....

第1个回答  2015-12-22


第2个回答  2015-12-22
7月份 太阳天 裸晒 ,因为不用穿衣服就能感受到大地的温暖。追问
