

可参阅http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalian_Maritime_University 求给分,手机党,不容易
The long history of the University can be traced back to 1909, when the Nanyang Institute in Shanghai established a Shipping Management Section. DMU was founded in 1953 through the merger of three merchant marine institutions: Shanghai Nautical College, the Northeast Navigation College and Fujian Navigation School. At the time its name was Dalian Marine College, and it was the only maritime college in China. In 1960, DMU was designated a national key institution of higher education. Later in 1983, the Asia-Pacific Region Maritime Training Center was established at DMU by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the IMO, and in 1985, a branch of the World Maritime University (WMU) was established.

In 1994 the University’s name was changed to the present one. In 1998 it was the first maritime university in China to receive the ISO 9001 Certificate. In 2004, the University successfully passed the quality assessment of undergraduate teaching by the Ministry of Education. Former President Jiang Zemin once wrote a few words of encouragement for DMU: “Be steadfast, rigorous, industrious, and pioneering in order to build the University into one of the preeminent maritime universities in the world”.

Through continual development, DMU has been at the forefront of similar universities both in broadening the scope and in enhancing the level of its programs.

On June 6, 2009, DMU celebrated its centennial, with vice chairman of stading committee of 11th National People's Congress Chen Zhili as the main guest.