

第1个回答  2014-04-01
The professional training to meet the needs of socialist modernization level advanced composite and Applied English talents, to the relevant areas engaged in English language teaching, translation and interpretation, can skilled use of English business work, have stronger practice ability and adaptation ability. Opened in two directions: the professional courses in English language and literature and Commerce and maritime english. Grade one or two English professional skills training courses for primary, strengthen basic English listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation; grade three or four students according to their own hobbies and expertise to determine one of the direction, elective courses. The main course: Basic English, English writing, advanced English, translation, interpretation, introduction to linguistics, English literature, America literature, English, international business negotiation, intercultural business communication, international trade, business English, business English, reading, translation, business based international maritime navigate conspectus and maritime management, logistics etc.. The English Department of student achievement is outstanding, English level and professional quality in the country come out in front, the employment prospects for graduates, employment range, welcomed by the employing units. The main employment of state organs, enterprises and institutions, and the press and publishing units, banks, insurance companies, foreign invested enterprises, schools etc.. There are quite a few students choose to study abroad, including graduate majoring in English language and Literature (the students of English and American literature, linguistics and applied linguistics, translation studies, business direction), and related professional master graduate student, such as international business, legal, Chinese, mass media professional. The professional education system for four years, graduates awarded Bachelor degree.
第2个回答  2014-04-01
Dalian Maritime University,top one maritime university of China.追问


第3个回答  2015-09-29
wisdom as abundant as a hundred rivers and virtue deep enough to fill the four
The long history of the University can betraced back to 1909, when the Nanyang Institute in Shanghai established aShipping Management Section. DMU was founded in 1953 through the merger ofthree merchant marine institutions: Shanghai Nautical College, the NortheastNavigation College and Fujian Navigation School. At the time its name wasDalian Marine College, and it was the only maritime college in China. In 1960,DMU was designated a national key institution of higher education. Later in1983, the Asia-Pacific Region Maritime Training Center was established at DMUby the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the IMO, and in 1985, abranch of the World Maritime University (WMU) was established.

In 1994 the University’s name was changedto the present one. In 1998 it was the first maritime university in China toreceive the ISO 9001 Certificate. In 2004, the University successfully passedthe quality assessment of undergraduate teaching by the Ministry of Education.Former President Jiang Zemin once wrote a few words of encouragement for DMU:“Be steadfast, rigorous, industrious, and pioneering in order to build theUniversity into one of the preeminent maritime universities in the world”.

Through continual development, DMU has beenat the forefront of similar universities both in broadening the scope and inenhancing the level of its programs.

On June 6, 2009, DMU celebrated itscentennial, with vice chairman of stading committee of 11th National People'sCongress Chen Zhili as the main guest.
第4个回答  2014-04-01
该专业开设两个方向课程:英语语言文学和商务及海事英语。一、二年级以英语专业技能训练课为 主,加强英语听、说、读、写、译的基本功;三、四年级学生根据自己的爱好与特长确定其中一个方向,选修专业课程。主要专业基础课和专业课有:基础英语、英语写作、高级英语、笔译、口译、语言学概论、英国文学、美国文学、英语词汇学、国际商务谈判、跨文化商务沟通、国际贸易实务、商务英语阅读、商务英语视听说、国际商务基础、海事翻译、航海概论及海事管理、物流基础等。
英语系学生成绩优秀,英语水平及专业素质在国内名列前茅,毕业生就业前景良好,就业范围广泛,深受用人单位欢迎。主要就业去向为国家机关、港航企事业单位、新闻出版单位、银行、外企、保险公司、学校等。还有相当一部分学生选择国内外继续学习深造,包括攻读英语语言文学专业的硕士研究生 (英美文学、语言学与 应用语言学、翻译研究、商务等方向),以及相关专业硕士研究生,如国际商务、法律、中文、大众传媒等专业。
