求达人们帮忙,新编大学英语unit12 ambition 课文翻译,我列出几段


4 What I mean by ambition is dreaming big dreams, putting no limits on your expectations and your hopes. I don't really like very specific, attainable ambitions, the kind you learn to set in the career-strategy course taught by the author of How to Stomp Your Way to Success. I like big ambitions that suggest that the world could open up at any time, with work and luck and determination. The next book could hit it big. The next research project could lead to something fantastic. The next bright idea could change history.

5 Of course, eventually you have to stop being a freshman in college. You limit your ambitions and become more realistic, wiser about your potential, your abilities, the number of things your life can hold. Sometimes you get close to something you wanted to do, only to find it looks better from far away. Back when I was a freshman, to tell the truth, I wanted to be Jane Goodall, go into the jungle to study monkeys and learn things no one had ever dreamed of. This ambition was based on an interest in biology and several National Geographic television specials; it turned out that wasn't enough of a basis for a life. There were a number of other early ambitions that didn't pan out either. I was not fated to live a wild, adventurous life, to travel alone to all the most exotic parts of the world, to leave behind a string of broken hearts. Oh well, you have to grow up, at least a little.

6 One of the worst things ambition can do is to tell you that you're a failure. The world is full of measuring tapes, books and articles to tell you where you should be at your age, after so-and-so many years of doing what you do.

Almost all of us have to deal with the tremendous success of friends ,with more those who somehow started out where we did but are now way in front .My college-alumni magazine arrives every two months without fail,so i can find out who graduated two years after i did but is now running a groundbreaking clinic at a major university hospital (and I'm only just finishing my residency!)Who is restoring a fabulous mansion in a highly desirable town by the sea Who got promoted yet again ,due to natural brilliance and industry



5:当然,最终你会从大学新人中脱离出来。你开始不那么有雄心,开始更实际主义,对自己的潜力,能力和你能掌控的事情有着理智的看法。有时你离你想做的事情很接近,但只是远远看去或许会更好。想当初我在大学的时候,说实话,我想成为JANE GOODALL跑去丛林学习猴子,然后做些别人想都不敢想的事情。雄心是建立在一个生物基本兴趣还有就是几个国家地理的电视特刊上的。最后看来这并不足以成为生活的基本。或许还有一些雄心是毫无结果的。我过去并不害怕生存在一个荒野世界,独自一人穿梭在与世隔绝的地方,然后还带些绝望。好吧,你至少要长大一点,至少一点点。


第1个回答  2010-10-16
第2个回答  2010-10-16


