

第1个回答  2022-08-19


Germination period:Seedlings began to be unearthed about 20 days after sowing. From Bud initiation to seedling emergence is the germination period, the growth of the first segment of the main stem is carried out, and the center of the germination period is the elongation of the bud, the roots and the formation of the stolons. Nutrition and water mainly depend on the seeds of the potato, and are supplied in the order of stems and leaves and roots.


Seedling period:Seedlings grow tall about 25 days. From the seedling to the sixth leaf or the eighth leaf, it completes the growth of a leaf sequence and becomes a "cluster tree". It is the second growth of the main stem and is the seedling period of the potato. The time passed during the young seedling period is relatively short, regardless of spring or autumn, only a little more than half a month.


Flowering period:About 45 days the potato seedlings bloom. From the group tree to the twelfth or sixteenth leaf, the precocious varieties bloom in the first inflorescence; The late-ripened varieties bloom in the second inflorescence, which is the flowering period of the potato. It is about one month and is the growth of the third stem. During the initiation period, the main stem began to rise sharply, accounting for about 50 % of the total height. The main stem and leaf have all been built, and there are branches and branches.


Potato period:Potatoes can be harvested in about 90 days. That is, after the stem block formation period is completed, it enters the tuber growing stage, which is dominated by tuber growth. During this period, the stem and leaf growth are decreasing, the base leaves begin to turn yellow and wither, and the organic nutrients in each part of the plant are continuously transported to the tubers. The tubers then accelerate their expansion. Especially in the 10 days after the flowering period. The length of the potato season is affected by climatic conditions, disease and variety maturity, and is generally 30-50 days.









第2个回答  2022-09-10
生长周期因品种而异,从早熟品种的约80天到晚熟产品的约120天。马铃薯生长与环境条件之间的关系。1. 温度:马铃薯的生长需要冷冻气候,年平均温度为5摄氏度至10摄氏度;2.水分。必须提供足够的水以获得高产。3. 光合作用。有足够的阳光才能生长。4. 土壤。土壤中的有机物含量是马铃薯生长的有利条件,这取决于所施肥料的种类和数量。

