
XX生物技术有限公司创立于2012年,由海归博士、复旦大学百人计划教授携哈佛大学海归博士团队创建,是拥有国际领先的多肽生物法高效制备技术的研发生产型生物医药企业。公司坐落在武汉科技创业园,拥有1000平方米的实验区和办公区。公司目前团队12人,其中:具有本科及以上文凭的占92%。博 士(含博士生)7名,硕士3名,5人为海归人才。

XX biological technology limited company was founded in 2012, by Dr. returnees, Fudan University professor with Harvard University One-Hundred-Talents returnees team to create, is a leading international polypeptide biological efficiency preparation technology R & D and production of biological pharmacy enterprises. The company is located in Wuhan Science and Technology Park, with 1000 square meters of the experimental area and office area. Currently the company team of 12 people, of which: has undergraduate and above accounted for 92%. Bo people ( including PhD )7, master 3,5for returnees.

XX biological owned by virtue of leading international level polypeptide biological preparation of high-tech patented technology focused on polypeptide synthesis and production of efficient, low cost, high efficiency utilization of peptide preparation of core technology and pharmaceutical enterprise of joint development, gradually developed high-end imitation of polypeptide medicine, at the same time as the global pharmaceutical companies and research institutions to provide a variety of difficulty and the size of the polypeptide products and polypeptide synthesis of high quality research and development outsourcing services, provide industrial scale of production of various peptide raw materials, and strive to become the leading global focus on advanced polypeptide drug research and development and production of biotechnology company.

Business at the beginning of the establishment has been advanced by virtue of the biological polypeptide synthesis technology has obtained the domestic and foreign famous enterprises and scientific research units of the technical service contract, hoping to gather more engaged in the production, marketing and management and other aspects of aspiring talent to join the full of youthful spirit of the high-tech enterprises, the company contribute to the development of the enterprise will be at the same time, with person text, from all aspects of talents to provide a broad and flexible development space, in order to seek common development.

XX insisted on" begin from me, start from now", with the most advanced technology to provide customers the best quality products and services, for customers to create the greatest value.
第1个回答  2012-04-19
XX Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012 by the returnees, Dr. Professor, Fudan University, Hundred returnees Dr. team created to bring Harvard University, is an international leader in the efficient preparation of peptide biological technology R & D and production of biological pharmaceutical enterprises. The company is located in Wuhan Science & Technology Park, with 1000 square meters of the experimental area and office area. The company's current team of 12 people, including: undergraduate and higher diploma accounted for 92%. Dr. (including doctoral students) 7, Master 3, 5 were returnees talent.
Bio-XX with the international advanced level peptide biological preparation of high-tech patented technology to focus on peptides efficient, low-cost synthesis and production, the use of the joint development of efficient peptide preparation of the core technology strengths and pharmaceutical companies, and gradually the independent development of high-end generic peptide drugs, while difficulty and the size of peptide products and peptide drugs, the synthesis of high-quality R & D outsourcing services for global pharmaceutical companies and research institutions to provide a variety of peptide raw materials for industrial production scale, and strive to become the focus of the world's leading drug development and production of advanced peptides biotechnology company.
Inception by virtue of advanced biological peptide synthesis techniques known domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies and research institutes, technical service contract, hoping to unite more engaged in the production, marketing and management, many aspiring talent to join this vibrant high-tech enterprises, contribute to the development of the company at the same time, companies will be text, all aspects of talent to provide a broad and flexible space for development, to seek common development.
XX the biological adhere to the "start from me, now.", The most advanced technology to provide customers with the highest quality products and services, to create maximum value for our customers.