这2个句子哪个对啊,关于but it also 及 but also it

Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.
Not only does the sun give us light, but it also gives us warmth 请问:(1)but 前面加不加逗号(2)but it also 及 but also it 有区别吗?写作文时哪个正确!

这2个句子哪个对啊,关于but it also 及 but also it
Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.Not only does the sun give us light, but it also gives us warmth.请问:(1)but 前面加不加逗号;(2)but it also 及 but also it 有区别吗?写作文时哪个正确? 回答:上面的两个句子都对。1)not only … but also 中的 not only 不能分开使用,但 but also 却可以分开使用。例如: The area was not only hit by an unexpected heavy rain,but some bridges were also
washed away.因此你提问的 but it also 及 but also it 是没有区别的,写作文时两个都正确。
2)not only … but also 连接两个并列成分时,可以省略 but 或 also ,也可以把 but also 都省略掉。例如:I not only heard it but (also ) saw it. He was not only compelled to stay at home, (but) also forbidden to see his friend. She not only finished the task ahead of time, (but also ) she came to help us. 3) not only..but also..的变体形式有以下几种:not only..but..not only..also..not only..but..as wellnot only.. 4)but 的前面加不加逗号?not only 与 but also 之后所连接的若是名词、代词或短语等时,一般不用逗号;若其后所连接的是分句或
较长的结构,一般使用逗号将其分隔开来,避免使句子显得过于冗长。 你对于英语某些短语的用法问得很细,说明你的学习已达到很不错的水平,希望你多多阅读有关的英语语法专
第1个回答  2012-06-29
not only...but also是固定搭配,不能拆分追问

(1)but 前面加不加逗号
(2)but it also 及 but also it 有区别吗?写作文时哪个正确!


用固定搭配就不能加逗号,写作文只要出现not only后面就必须but also中间不能加it.具体要看语境

第2个回答  2012-06-29
the sun Not only give us light, but it also gives us warmth 这样才对追问

但原句把not only提到句首,前面句用主谓部分倒装也是对的

(1)but 前面加不加逗号
(2)but it also 及 but also it 有区别吗?写作文时哪个正确!


but it also

第3个回答  2012-06-29
第4个回答  2012-06-29