哪位大虾帮忙翻译一段学校(朝阳中学)的校庆词呢? 如翻译的很好,可追加财富值!


英文:To YinFeng and flute, the phoenix chaoyang fly. With the school's continued harmonious development, the school through the bound of supporting and helping and supporting donations, and bring goose supporting and other forms to the current middle school, wushan hkied xiufeng middle school, high school, tin hau temple west street in kaixian county high school, junior high school and the qijiang count the town more than ten schools radiation guidance. Beautiful wushan, middle school campus chaoyang teacher's figure; Northland southern, education rostrum left chaoyang teacher's footprint; Yunnan Dali, teaching class ring with chaoyang teacher taught reverb... Not only that, the school and France, Belgium, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries schools also have close academic exchanges. Chaoyang education light radiation at home and abroad, prestige finches on, brilliant effects.
韩文:불다 태 려 학교의 앞 선 노력, 봉황 아침 햇살 을 버 렸 다.동행하다 학교 자체 조화 를 통 해 지속적 으로 학교 결박 디딤돌 거점 기관, 립싱크 디딤돌 거점 기관, 기부 디딤돌 거점 기관, 기러기 디딤돌 거점 기관 등 의 형태 에 대한 北碚区 田家炳 중학교 · 무산 秀峰 중학교, 다 먀 오 중학교, 펑 西街 중학교, 綦江 편안 하 게 진 초급 중학교 등 10 여 개 학교 를 대상 으로 방사능 지도 했 다.수미 무산, 중학교 교사 캠퍼스 는 유망 한 모습;북 南疆 교육 강단 을 남 겼 유망 교 사의 족적;윈 난 다리 으로 수업 교실 공연 유망 교 사의 수업 의 여 소리....그 뿐 만 아 니라 학교 와 프랑스 · 벨 기에 · 미국 · 싱 가 포 르, 말레이시아, 태국 등 다 양 한 나라 의 학교 도 밀 접 한 학술 교류 를 하 고 있다.유망 교육 의 빛 을 방사능 국내외 성가 작동 부터 영향 斐然 이다.
法语:Pour YinFeng vent xiao, ifeng soleil levant. Dans les écoles qui leur développement harmonieux durable les écoles étaient regroupées, counterpart contributions d’aide, d’aide, oie sauvage, etc TianGuBing réduisent le WuShan XiuFeng secondaire, secondaire, secondaire, KaiXian DaMiao XiJie secondaire, secondaire et primaire QiJiang dans la ville de se livrer à une dizaine de écoles. Dans l’enseignement secondaire XiuMei WuShan. Elle dispose qu’une poignée de modernisation des enseignants; NaJiang tribune BeiGuo, le ministère de l’éducation a laissé des traces de modernisation; L’enseignement du yunnan, par classe conduisent à des enseignants plus fort … En outre, de la France, de la Belgique, des etats-unis, du Singapour, de la malaisie, de la Thaïlande écoles dans plusieurs pays dont les échanges universitaires sont étroitement liées. Soleil levant les prémices de l’éducation, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur des rayonnements, le prestige, qui avaient touché moineau.
第1个回答  2012-11-14
英文:To YinFeng and flute, the phoenix chaoyang fly. With the school's continued harmonious development, the school through the bound of supporting and helping and supporting donations, and bring goose supporting and other forms to the current middle school, wushan hkied xiufeng middle school, high school, tin hau temple west street in kaixian county high school, junior high school and the qijiang count the town more than ten schools radiation guidance. Beautiful wushan, middle school campus chaoyang teacher's figure; Northland southern, education rostrum left chaoyang teacher's footprint; Yunnan Dali, teaching class ring with chaoyang teacher taught reverb... Not only that, the school and France, Belgium, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries schools also have close academic exchanges. Chaoyang education light radiation at home and abroad, prestige finches on, brilliant effects.
第2个回答  2014-09-03