
1 For Senior 3 students, choosing which college to attend ____________be the most exciting time in their entire school lives.
A. must B. should C. would D. can

2—Shall we have a smoke here?
—No,we .Because the worker is carrying some petrol.
A.won’t B.mustn’t C. can’t D.needn’t
答案 B

为什么 can’t 不行呢?

3 —Is there anything else I can get for you except the scarf?
—No.That be it.Thanks a lot.
A.could B.must C.should D.might
答案 C

4 Had the visiting delegation set out earlier this morning,they the airport so far.
A.might reach B.may have reached
C.might have reached D.may reach
答案 C
为什么有so far , 还选C啊
5 We are sorry that you should feel uncomfortable.
4 so far 怎么理解呢
5 竟然 , 有点奇怪啊?

1. 考察情态动词的使用,实际这句话的意思是对于高三学生而言,选则上哪所大学是他们整个高中学习生活中最令人兴奋的时刻。
must 表示“必须”,而这里只是陈述客观的事实,表示这件事“会”是这样的性质,所以选D。
2. 情态动词否定的意思,mustn't 是不准,can't 表能力,是不可能的意思,根据下文工人们在搬汽油,肯定在这种情况下是不准吸烟的,所以选A。
3. That should be it, 这就是我要的(我要的东西目前就是scarf,没有其他的),should 表示
(表示可能性、推测、推论或期待)可能,该,而其他选项A could 情态动词为can的委婉说法,是“能”,上文问“除了围巾有没有其他需要拿的东西?”,而that could be it 的意思却是scarf能是想要的东西,不通;that must be it,过于肯定和生硬,对于自己是否想要某种东西没有必要说必须怎样;might 又过于谨慎(“可能是”),所以should 最合适。
4. might/could have done可用于虚拟语气表示“本会做某事而没有做”,这句话完整应该是“
If the visiting delegation had set out earlier this morning(if 引导的条件从句,用虚拟语气谓语动词用过去式,be动词用were), they might have reached the airport so far,如果参观团今早早点出发的话,现在他们可能到机场了。
5. should的词条里面有
I'm sorry it should be this way.
It's strange that he should be absent.
You shouldn't have told him about it.
第1个回答  2012-08-13
1.can 表示理论上的可能性。must表示推测。在本句中没有任何推测的根据所以用can表示泛是高三学生都有这个时候,这就是理论上的可能性。
3。should 表示对将来的推测,在本句中是说:按理应该够了。
4。这是一句虚拟条件句,由于从句是一省略if的条件句,且时态用了过去完成时,说明这是与过去事实相反的虚拟句,所以它的主句就应该用 might have done。其它都不符合虚拟句。
整个句子是这样的 If the visiting delegation had set out earlier this morning . they might have reached the airport so far.