

来信收悉。获知你们于近日创建24小时不打烊书店,为读者提供“深夜书房”,这很有创意,是对“全民阅读”的生动践行,喻示在快速变革的时代仍需一种内在的定力和沉静的品格。阅读能使人常思常新。好读书,读好书,既可提升个人能力、眼界及综合素质,也会潜移默化影响一个人的文明素养,使人保持宁静致远的心境,砥砺奋发有为的情怀。译文:We have received your letter. I learned that you have recently created a 24-hour non closing bookstore to provide readers with a "late night study", which is very creative and a vivid practice of "national reading", indicating that you still need an internal concentration and quiet character in the era of rapid change. Reading can make people think constantly. Good reading and good reading can not only improve personal ability, vision and comprehensive quality, but also imperceptibly affect a person's civilization, make people maintain a quiet and far-reaching state of mind and temper their feelings of striving for success.
第1个回答  2021-12-14

The letter has been received. It is learned that you recently set up a 24-hour bookstore to provide readers with a "late-night study room", which is very creative, a vivid practice of "reading for all", and a metaphor that in the era of rapid change, you still need an inner determination and quiet character. Reading can make people think and be fresh. Reading well and reading well can not only improve one's ability, vision and comprehensive quality, but also subtly affect one's civilization accomplishment, keep one's quiet and far-reaching state of mind, and sharpen one's feelings of striving for success.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2021-12-23
第3个回答  2021-12-19
来信收悉。获知你们于近日创建24小时不打烊书店,为读者提供“深夜书房”,这很有创意。这句话的英文翻译是:Thank you for your letter. It is very creative to learn that you have recently created a 24-hour bookstore to provide readers with “Late-night study”.
第4个回答  2021-12-20