Adam levine-《lost stars》歌词意思 ,讲什么?


Lost Stars 迷失的星
  Please don't see [没什么好看的]
  Just a girl caught up in dreams and fantasies [不过是个女孩沉湎在梦与幻想里罢了]
  Please see me [那就请看着我吧]
  Reaching out for someone I can't see [伸出臂膀去触碰那些我看不到的人]
  Take my hand, let's see where we wake up tomorrow [牵着我的手,看看明天我们会在哪里醒来]
  Best laid plans sometimes are just one night stand [最好的计划有时莫过于一夜的陪伴]
  I'll be damned, Cupid's demanding back his arrow [丘比特正在召回他的箭而我将受谴]
  So let's get drunk on our tears [所以不如让我们在泪光之上醉生梦死]
  And god, tell us the reason [神啊,告诉我们原因]
  Youth is wasted on the young [为何青春就这样浪费在年少轻狂之时]
  It's hunting season [这是个狩猎的季节]
  And this lamb is on the run [羔羊四处奔逃]
  We're searching for the meaning [我们在找寻着存在的意义]
  But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark [是不是我们都是迷路的星星,依旧试着把黑暗照亮]
  Who are we? [我们是谁]
  Just a speck of dust within the galaxy? [只是银河中的一粒灰尘?]
  Woe is me if we're not careful, turns into reality [若不小心输给现实,于我是不是太过悲哀]
  But don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow? [你不怕我们最好的回忆带给你悲伤?]
  Yesterday, I saw a lion kiss a deer [昨天我见到一头狮子亲吻一只鹿]
  Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending [或许另起一页我们会找到一个崭新的结局]
  Where we're dancing in our tears [在那里我们将会含泪婆娑]
  And god, tell us the reason [神啊,告诉我们原因]
  Youth is wasted on the young [为何青春就这样浪费在年少轻狂之时]
  It's hunting season [这是个狩猎的季节]
  And this lamb is on the run [羔羊四处奔逃]
  We're searching for the meaning [我们在找寻着存在的意义]
  But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark [是不是我们都是迷路的星星,依旧试着把黑暗照亮]
  I thought I saw you out there crying [我想我看到你哭了]
  I thought I heared you call my name [我想我听到你呼唤我的名字]
  I thought I saw you out there crying [我想我看到你哭了]
  But just the same [但还是不变的样子]
  And god, tell us the reason [神啊,告诉我们原因]
  Youth is wasted on the young [为何青春就这样浪费在年少轻狂之时]
  It's hunting season [这是个狩猎的季节]
  And this lamb is on the run [羔羊四处奔逃]
  We're searching for the meaning [我们在找寻着存在的意义]
  But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark [是不是我们都是迷路的星星,依旧试着把黑暗照亮]
  Are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark [是不是我们都是迷路的星星,依旧试着把黑暗照亮]
