

Chemistry is a subject based on experiment. Experiment is the soul and life of chemistry. It is a indispensably important part of high school chemistry to train the experimental ability. Through consulting and comparing a wide range of documentation, questionnare survey and other methods, this paper makes a preliminary discuss on several methods of training the experimental ability in experimental teaching in rural areas. Combining the specific circumstance of Dinggang internship for four years, the paper cultivates the experimental ability by improving the experimental environment, forming good experimental habits and the ability of designing experiment, using some life experiments and micro-experiment which can stimulate students' interest.
第1个回答  2011-05-03
Chemistry is an experiment-based subject.In other words,experiment is the soul and life of chemistry.Cultivating students' experimental ability is an indispensible course in the teaching of midle school chemistry.This passage preliminarily discussed several ways of cultivating students'experimental ability in the process of the experiment-teaching in rural places through reading large amounts of documents and by the way of contrasting and questionaire ect.This passage combines the specific situations in my senior year internships .It tends to cultivate this kind of ability by improving the lab environment, cultivating students' good habbits while doing experiment,cultivating their ability of designing experiment,using experiments that is much more closed to studengts' life etc. in order to arose students' interests.
第2个回答  2011-05-03
Chemistry is a lab-based disciplines, chemistry experiment is the soul and life. The experimental ability is essential and important part of high school chemistry. Through extensive literature by reading and comparing the questionnaire and other methods, discussed in the experimental teaching purposes in rural areas of several culture experiments capacities. In this paper senior year internships with the specific circumstances of the school, from improving the experimental environment for students to good laboratory habits, ability to design experiments, use some of real life experiments and stimulate student interest in micro-experiment were cultured
第3个回答  2011-05-03
Chemistry is based on lab which is the chemistry 's soul and life. And the experimental ability is the essential and important part of high school chemistry. This words will prove it by reading and comparing the questionnaire and other methods, discussed in the experimental teaching purposes in rural areas of several culture experiments capacities. In this paper senior year internships with the specific circumstances of the school, from improving the experimental environment for students to good laboratory habits, ability to design experiments, use some of real life experiments and stimulate students' interest in micro-experiment were cultured
第4个回答  2011-05-03
Chemistry is a lab-based disciplines, chemistry experiment is the soul and life. The experimental ability is essential and important part of high school chemistry. Through extensive literature by reading and comparing the questionnaire and other methods, discussed in the experimental teaching purposes in rural areas of several culture experiments capacities. In this paper senior year internships with the specific circumstances of the school, from improving the experimental environment for students to good laboratory habits, ability to design experiments, use a number of experiments and micro-to-life experiments to stimulate student interest in the culture.