用关系词when where which造20个句子,外加翻译如题 谢谢了


when I'd like to know when they'll let him out. 我想知道他们什么时候放他。 When did you last see Margaret? 你上一次见到玛格丽特是什么时候? There were times when I didn't know what to do. 有些时候我不知道该怎么办才好 John got engaged to her when travelling last winter. 去年冬天旅行时,约翰与她订了婚。 Don't get excited when you talk. 你说话时别激动。 How can he get the promotion when his boss dislikes him? 既然上司不喜欢他,那他怎么会获得提升呢? I had only fifteen dollars on me when the book I wanted cost twenty. 我身上只带了十五美元,可是我想买的那本书定价二十美元。 Since when has she taught here? 她从什么时候开始在这儿教书的? When did you came here? 你什么时候来这里的? When I was sleeping, you came here. 我睡觉的时候你来这里了。 where where is the coffee made? 这个咖啡是哪里造的? Where are you going to be tomorrow? 你要去哪里是明天? Where do you want to go? 你想去哪 Where did you go yesterday 你在哪里去昨天 Where are you from? 你是哪里人? where is the coffee made? 这个咖啡是哪里造的 which Which is your pen? 哪个是你的钢笔? Which student do you teach? 哪个学生是你教的? I like the car which you bought last year。 我喜欢你去年买的那辆车。 Which class are you in? 你是哪班的?