
这次演讲,是我第一次参加英语方面的赛事。并且很荣幸能取得这样的成绩。对此,首先我要感谢学校和老师给我提供这么好的机会和平台,让我在舞台上展示了自己,锻炼了自己 比赛前,英语老师给了我无微不至的关怀和帮助,帮我纠正了许多发音问题, 这次比赛不仅提高了我学习英语的兴趣,而且提高了自己用英语跟别人交流的能力,更让我增强了自信。同时我也发现自己的不足,所以今后我会更加努力的补缺自己这方面的不足。最后我想说,我热爱英语,所有和我一样热爱英语的人们,去寻找属于你们的舞台吧,你们一定会成功! 谢谢!

This speech is the first time I have ever attended English-related competition. And I'm honored to get this achievement. For my merit, first I need to thank my school and my teacher who gave me this opportunity and the platform to show myself. Before I started to train myself, my English teacher gave me the most concern and help, to remedy a lot of problems in my pronounciation. This competition not only enhance my interest in English, but improve my skills in talking with other, enhancing my confidence. Meanwhile, I noticed my drawback, which I need to eliminate in the future. And last, I want to say that I love English. and that those who share the same feelings to English as me find the stage belonging to yourselves, you will trumph! Thank you very much