

I arranged it all for the sake of your future, but I realized I was wrong. I'll give you more free space, rather than hinder you to do the things you like, I will always support you.
第1个回答  2010-12-24
I did this all for you,but I realize that I was wrong.
I 'd rather give you more freedom than against everthing you'd like to do.
I will always stand by you.
第2个回答  2010-12-24
Everything I arranged is for your future,but I realized I was wrong .From now on, I will give you more freedom and chance to choose rather than stop you from your favourites.the same time ,I will suport you forever.
第3个回答  2010-12-24
I have designed everything for your future, but I think it's wrong. I will get more space to you, rather than block something what you like to do. I will support you forever.
第4个回答  2010-12-24
I thought all this that i have arranged is for your future,but now i realize that i am wrong.I will give you more free space and will not against the things that you like from now on. Believe that I am always on your side.
第5个回答  2010-12-24
What i have arranged for you were making a way for your furture,however,i realized i was wrong.so i will offer you more free time later,and you can do everything yon like.what's more,i will stand by you forever.