



第一、 责任心强。这是幸福婚姻的基础。一旦结为夫妻,就要向对方、向社会、向子女负责。

第二、 相互适应。每个人的性格不同,生活习惯也有所不同,要想维持幸福快乐的婚姻,夫妻双方应当相互尊重和谅解。

第三、 宽容和谦让。在家庭琐事面前,应该避免争吵。夫妻开始产生分歧,开始产生不愉快,这通常是他们太过于注意对方的缺点.持久的批评会使男女之间产生隔阂.换句话说,幸福的夫妇应该多看看对方的优点,你便会发现他(她)可爱,善良的一面,

第四、 保护爱情。对于夫妻来说,保护爱情真的很重要,尤其是结婚多年的夫妻。不管生活多么的紧张和忙碌,也应该抽时间去看看电影,一起出去共享一次美好的晚餐,对于对方的帮助,不要觉得理所当然,还是应该充满感激的说一声“谢谢”,赞美的话更加巩固两人之间的爱情。

How to maintain a happy marriage

Remote as this issue is to me, I believe that whether the combination of two people is pleasant or not directly affects the happiness of the family life after their marriage. Thus, the management of marital relationship is of paramount importance.


Tolstoy's saying is popularly cited at the mention of a happy marriage that all happy families are alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Yet what exactly
do happy families share in common, or, in other words, how to fulfill a happy/successful marriage? From my perspectives, there are several points to ponder:
第一、 责任心强。这是幸福婚姻的基础。一旦结为夫妻,就要向对方、向社会、向子女负责。

First off, a strong sense of responsibility. This is the foundation of all happy marriages. Once associated as a lifelong union, the couple should be responsible for each other, the community and their children.

第二、 相互适应。每个人的性格不同,生活习惯也有所不同,要想维持幸福快乐的婚姻,夫妻双方应当相互尊重和谅解。
Secondly, mutual adaptation. Everyone differs in character as well as habits. To maintain a happy marriage, the husband and wife should pay respect and show understanding interchangeably.

第三、 宽容和谦让。在家庭琐事面前,应该避免争吵。夫妻开始产生分歧,开始产生不愉快,这通常是他们太过于注意对方的缺点.持久的批评会使男女之间产生隔阂.换句话说,幸福的夫妇应该多看看对方的优点,你便会发现他(她)可爱,善良的一面,
Third, tolerance and humility. Before domestic trivialities, argument should be avoided.It is usually because the husband and wife are too distracted by the shortcomings of each other that they diverge and become displeased. The continuous criticism estrange even the closest hearts. That is to say, to be a happy couple, you should notice more the merits of your better half, and you will find the loveliness in them.
第四、 保护爱情。对于夫妻来说,保护爱情真的很重要,尤其是结婚多年的夫妻。不管生活多么的紧张和忙碌,也应该抽时间去看看电影,一起出去共享一次美好的晚餐,对于对方的帮助,不要觉得理所当然,还是应该充满感激的说一声“谢谢”,赞美的话更加巩固两人之间的爱情。
Last but not least, guard your love. For couples,especially long-married couples, guarding your love cannot be more important. However stressful and hectic your life is, try to make time for a film or dinner with your beloved one. Don't take his/her help for granted. Instead, say "thank you" with appreciation. Appropriate compliments can deepen the love between each other.
第1个回答  2009-12-29
How to maintain a happy marriage

This issue seems still too far to me, but I believe this is essential since the post-marriage happiness is directly depended on the couple's cognition and emphasis on it.
Regarding a happy marriage, Tolstoy's saying is commonly cited that happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Then what's the similarity between those happy families, or, how to keep your marriage a happy one? So far as I am concerned, several points are included.

第一、 责任心强。这是幸福婚姻的基础。一旦结为夫妻,就要向对方、向社会、向子女负责。
Firstly, being responsible. This is the foundation of marriage. Once stepped into marriage, people should take the responsibility of their wife/husband, their children and society as well.

第二、 相互适应。每个人的性格不同,生活习惯也有所不同,要想维持幸福快乐的婚姻,夫妻双方应当相互尊重和谅解。
Secondly, being adaptive. Everybody is unique in character and living habits. To maintain a happy marriage, the couple need to respect and think more for each other.

第三、 宽容和谦让。在家庭琐事面前,应该避免争吵。夫妻开始产生分歧,开始产生不愉快,这通常是他们太过于注意对方的缺点.持久的批评会使男女之间产生隔阂.换句话说,幸福的夫妇应该多看看对方的优点,你便会发现他(她)可爱,善良的一面,
Thirdly, being tolerant. When family trifles are present, it is wise to avoid a quarrel. If a couple starts to disagree more and quarrel more, perhaps this means they are focusing more on the other's demerits. A constant criticism weakens a couple's intimacy. In other words, pay more attention to your partner's agreeable merits, notice his/her loveliness, and this walks you all the way down a happy marriage.

第四、 保护爱情。对于夫妻来说,保护爱情真的很重要,尤其是结婚多年的夫妻。不管生活多么的紧张和忙碌,也应该抽时间去看看电影,一起出去共享一次美好的晚餐,对于对方的帮助,不要觉得理所当然,还是应该充满感激的说一声“谢谢”,赞美的话更加巩固两人之间的爱情。
Fourthly, cherish your love. This is crucial especially for long married couples. No matter of how life is busy and stressed out, try make some time for a movie or a dinner. Never take granted for your partner's help, say "thanks" with gratitude. A compliment deepens the love between a couple.
第2个回答  2009-12-29

How to keep a happy marriage life

I know this issue is far away from recently but in my opinion, it is necessary and crucialto deal with the marriage well for the relationship between the lovers would lead a happy life or not for the family.

Usually when concerning a happy marriage, people tend to cite the great writer Tolstoy’s lines on it, happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. So, how to keep the happy marriage life? The follows are my reasons.

Firstly, it is the strong responsibility, the basement of marriage. It means that you must be responsible for your lover, society and the young generation when you walked in the wedding hall.

Secondly, realize each other. We know each man has his character so they must have different habits. Just for this reason, the partner should have the quality to respect and understand each other mutually.

Thirdly, it needs a heart with general love and the modest. During the life, it is impossible to keep from jarring for the trifle issue and disputes. That is because they pay more attention to the shortcoming. The right way is to find the lover’s merits and avoid the gap happening as much as possible. If so, you will see the cute face of your lover.

Fourthly, care your love. It is crucial to care your love for the two person of marriage, especially for the one that married long age because they, wife or husband, acquaint with his or her care or help and even it becomes a daily habit and concern it as a common and granted things. For he or she is your lover. Actually, they are wrong. Say thanks politely when you get his or her help hand. It would increase your love. And also, it is very important to sit with your lover no matter how busy you are. A candlelight dinner or a film. It is so easy.
第3个回答  2010-01-07
Although this problem is relatively remote from me, but I think two people are happy combination of marriage, directly affects the happiness of the family or not, therefore, handle the relationship is of vital importance.
About a happy marriage, people always quote Tolstoy: happy families are same, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. The happiness of the same family where exactly? In other words, how to make marriage? In my opinion, there is the following:

First, a strong sense of responsibility. This is a happy marriage. Once married to each other, then, to the society, to children.

Second, mutual adaptation. Each person is different, the character of different life habit, to maintain a happy marriage, both sides of husband and wife shall respect and understanding.

Third, tolerance and obey. In the family, should avoid arguments. Couples began to produce differences, began to produce unpleasant, this is usually they too watch each other's faults. Lasting criticism will produce gap between men and women. In other words, the happy couple should see each other's strengths, you will find him (she) lovely, good side,

Fourth, the protection of love. For couples, protect love really important, especially for married couples. Regardless of how nervous and busy life, also should take time to see a movie together, sharing out for dinner, the good person, don't think for granted, or should be grateful say "thank you", praise more consolidate the love between two people.
第4个回答  2010-01-03
How to maintain the faint because happiness

Although this problem is relatively remote from me, but I think two people are happy combination of marriage, directly affects the happiness of the family or not, therefore, handle the relationship is of vital importance.
About a happy marriage, people always quote Tolstoy: happy families are same, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. The happiness of the same family where exactly? In other words, how to make marriage? In my opinion, there is the following:

First, a strong sense of responsibility. This is a happy marriage. Once married to each other, then, to the society, to children.

Second, mutual adaptation. Each person is different, the character of different life habit, to maintain a happy marriage, both sides of husband and wife shall respect and understanding.

Third, tolerance and obey. In the family, should avoid arguments. Couples began to produce differences, began to produce unpleasant, this is usually they too watch each other's faults. Lasting criticism will produce gap between men and women. In other words, the happy couple should see each other's strengths, you will find him (she) lovely, good side,

Fourth, the protection of love. For couples, protect love really important, especially for married couples. Regardless of how nervous and busy life, also should take time to see a movie together, sharing out for dinner, the good person, don't think for granted, or should be grateful say "thank you", praise more consolidate the love between two people.