求:这个谚语Don't cry on the spilt milk = It's no use crying over spilk milk 的 原版故事 英文的~!


不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣! | 发布于:2007.04.28 | 分类:摘录 霍普金斯这位曾在美国纽约某所 中学任教的教师,曾经给他的学生上过一堂独特的课,这堂课也使世界上千百万的人终生受益。    霍普金斯老师所教的班级中的 很多学生,常常为自己的成绩感到不安。他们总是在交完考试卷后充满忧虑,总是担心自己不能及格,以致于影响了接下来的学习。    为了让学生们领悟到人生的哲 理,霍普金斯精心设计了一堂“实验课”。    他把一瓶牛奶放在实验台的边 缘,很容易碰掉。然后将学生们召集到实验室里讲化学实验。所有的学生都没有注意到这瓶牛奶。在实验的过程中,一位学生一不小心碰了实验台边的牛奶瓶,瓶子落在地上,“砰”的一声,碎了,牛奶流了一地。    正当那位学生为打碎的牛奶瓶 不知所措的时候,霍普金斯老师对着全体学生大声说了一句:“不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣!”    然后,他把全体学生都叫到碎 瓶周围,让他们看着地上破碎的瓶子和流淌了一地的牛奶,一字一句地说:“你们仔细看一看,我希望你们永远记住这个道理:牛奶已经流光,瓶子已经碎了,不论你怎样后悔和抱怨,都没有办法再让瓶子复原,让牛奶回到瓶子里。当然,你们要是事先留心,加以预防,把瓶子放到安全的地方,这瓶牛奶还可以保存下来,可是,现在晚了,你们现在所能够做的,就是把它忘记,然后集中全部精力做好接下来的事情。”
第1个回答  2010-09-15
不要做无意义的事 the spit milk 就是 已经洒了的牛奶 就是 覆水难收 覆水难收哭也没用所以就是不要做无意义的事
第2个回答  2010-09-13
Do'nt cry over spilt milk
"I was only in my teens," said Allen Saunders as he told me the story, "but i was a worrier even then. Iused to stew and fret about the mistakes I had made. If I turned in an examination paper, I used to lie awake and chew my fingernails for fear I hadn't passed. I was always living over the things I had done, and wishing I'd done them differently; thinking over the things I had said, and wishing I'd said them better."

"Then one morning, our class filed into the science labaratory, and there was the teacher, Dr. Paul Brandwine, with a bottle of milk porminently displayed on the edge of the desk. We all sat down, staring at the milk, and wondering what it had to do with the hygiene course he was teaching. Then, all of a sudden, Dr. Paul Brandwine stood up, swept the bottle of milk with a crash into the sink - and shouted: "Don't cry over spilt milk!"

"He then made us all come to the sink and look at the wreckage. 'Take a good look,' he told us, ' because i want you to remember this lesson the rest of your lives. That milk is gone - you can see it's down the drain; and all the fussing and hair-pulling in the world won't bring back a drop of it. With a little thought and prevention, that milk might have been saved. But it's too late now - all we can is write it off, forget it, and go on the next thing."

"That one little demonstration," Allen Saunders told me, "stuck with me long after I'd forgotten my solid geometry and Latin. In fact, it taught me more about practical living than anything else in my four years of high school. It taught me to keep from spilling milk if I could; but to forget it completely, once it was spilled and had gone down the drain."本回答被提问者采纳