

第1个回答  2015-07-06
My dream is to become an advertising d esigner. I grew up like beautiful things, I think the beautiful things to make more people m ore beautification anything good first im pression to meet beautiful thing is a goo d thing, it is also the thing I like. I don't want to make no creative ads. That is my dream for a long time, first en tered xiamen university, after saving aft er two or three years of experience in s mall and medium-sized enterprises, fina lly entered the ogilvy advertising compa ny. I will work harder, because I believe that my dream.
第2个回答  2015-05-31
y dream is to become an advertising designer.
I grew up like beautiful things, I think the beautiful things to make more people more beautification anything good first impression to meet beautiful th...
My dream is to become an advertising designer. I like beautiful things from childhood, I feel that the
第3个回答  2015-06-03
My dream is to become an advertising designer. I like beautiful things from childhood, I feel that the beautiful things more beautiful make more people to meet beautiful first impression of beautiful things is a beautiful thing, but also my favorite thing. I don't want to make no creative advertising.. This is my long dream, first admitted to the Xiamen University, after into the small and medium-sized enterprises save a couple of years of experience, eventually entering the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather. I will work harder because I believe in my dream.
第4个回答  2015-07-11
My dream is to become an advertisement designer. I
always believe that it is fascinating to beautify things so that people
can meet them with delicate impressions. Advertisements without
innovation is not my ideal ones and my dreams is to be admitted by
Xiamen University, employed by a small firm and have some experiences in
two or three years and finally have the opportunity to work in Aomei
Advertisement Company. I will spare no effort to realize my dream,
because I believe in it. 《厚学网》
第5个回答  2015-07-10
My dream is to become an advertising designer. I grew up like beautiful things, I think