
摘要:《妻妾成群》是苏童创作史上一部具有里程碑意义的中篇小说,它讲述了主人公颂莲,一个接受过新教育的“新女性”,逆历史潮流而动,自愿走进封建大家庭式的“陈府“成为陈佐千的小妾,最终又在这种牢笼似的环境下走向精神崩溃的悲惨命运。颂莲的回归可以说是“时代弊病”和“个人生存”双重因素推动下的结果,她的回归不仅揭示了“五四”时期 “娜拉”们共同的心理特质,而且也使我们警醒和反思”五四“以来的新女性自我解放运动。

Abstract: "wives and concubines" is the creation of Su Tong has a history of milepost meaning's novel, it tells the story of the heroine Songlian, received a new education "new women", against the historical trend, voluntarily entered the feudal family "Chen Fu" became Chen Zuoqian's concubine, tragic fate and in this cage like environment to a nervous breakdown. Back to Song Lian's can be said to be "double times ills" and "personal life" under the impetus of the results, her return not only reveals the "five four" period "psychological characteristics of Nora" are common, but also makes us alert and Reflection on the "five four" since the new female self liberation movement.
Keywords: "wives and concubines"; new woman; regression; "five four" period
摘要:《妻妾成群》是苏童创作史上一部具有里程碑意义的中篇小说,它讲述了主人公颂莲,一个接受过新教育的“新女性”,逆历史潮流而动,自愿走进封建大家庭式的“陈府“成为陈佐千的小妾,最终又在这种牢笼似的环境下走向精神崩溃的悲惨命运。颂莲的回归可以说是“时代弊病”和“个人生存”双重因素推动下的结果,她的回归不仅揭示了“五四”时期 “娜拉”们共同的心理特质,而且也使我们警醒和反思”五四“以来的新女性自我解放运动。

第1个回答  2013-03-22
Abstract: "wives and concubines" is the creation of Su Tong has a history of milepost meaning's novel, it tells the story of the heroine Songlian, received a new education "new women", against the historical trend, voluntarily entered the feudal family "Chen Fu" became Chen Zuoqian's concubine, tragic fate and in this cage like environment to a nervous breakdown. Back to Song Lian's can be said to be "double times ills" and "personal life" under the impetus of the results, her return not only reveals the "five four" period "psychological characteristics of Nora" are common, but also makes us alert and Reflection on the "five four" since the new female self liberation movement.
Keywords: "wives and concubines"; new woman; regression; "five four" period
第2个回答  2013-03-22



摘要:"Wives and concubines" is the creation of Su Tong has a history of milepost meaning's novel, it tells the story of the heroine Songlian, received a new education "new women", against the historical trend, voluntarily entered the feudal family "Chen Fu" became Chen Zuoqian's concubine, the tragic fate of the final in the the cage like environment to a nervous breakdown. Back to Song Lian's can be said to be "double times ills" and "personal life" under the impetus of the results, her return not only reveals the "five four" period "psychological characteristics of Nora" are common, but also makes us alert and Reflection on the "five four" since the new female self liberation movement.
"Wives and concubines"; new woman; regression; "five four" period 满意不
